Museum für Kommunikation Nürnberg - Logo
Museum für Kommunikation Nürnberg - Logo
Museum für Kommunikation Nürnberg - Logo


Genitals Translation: Genitalien/ GeschlechtsorganeGenitals are organs that are primarily used for reproduction. The vulva, penis and scrotum are parts of the external genitals, while the vagina, uterus and prostate are part of the internal genitals. Genitals are...


Gender Translation: GeschlechtsidentitätGender in the sense of gender identity refers to a person’s gender related self-image and their own gender role. This knowledge is deeply rooted within us and has nothing to do with preferences or fashion choices. Our...

Gender stereotypes

Gender stereotypes Translation: GeschlechtsstereotypeGender stereotypes are traditional (role) perceptions associated with the social norm of binary gender (male/female). They are often based on assumptions about typical behaviours, abilities and interests that are...