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Museum für Kommunikation Nürnberg - Logo
Museum für Kommunikation Nürnberg - Logo

Become part of the exhibition “Speaking of Sex”


We want to engage in dialogue with you: How and with whom do you talk about sexuality? How have you been educated about it?

You can contribute to the exhibition by sharing your thoughts and experiences with us. Entries are voluntary and anonymous.

Are you comfortable talking about sexuality?
5 TN · 5 Antworten

Do you think you have enough opportunity to talk about sexuality?
4 TN · 4 Antworten

I would like to talk more about sexuality with these people:
4 TN · 5 Antworten

Multiple answers are possible for this question.


I talk to these people most about sexuality:
5 TN · 5 Antworten

When I talk about sexual organs, I normally use:
4 TN · 6 Antworten

Multiple answers are possible for this question.



How do you clarify the rules for sexual consent?
4 TN · 4 Antworten

*In the context of a sexual relationship or partnership, consent is reached if all persons involved agree voluntarily, knowingly and mutually agree on a certain action or activity. Consent can be re-negotiated or withdrawn at any time. Consent is only possible if everyone can express their wishes and their boundaries openly and the (non-) consent of the other person is treated with respect.


The people who educated me most about sexuality were:
4 TN · 4 Antworten

When I have questions about sexuality, I get my information from:
4 TN · 8 Antworten

Multiple answers are possible for this question.



I use these digital tools or channels to create sexual desire :
4 TN · 12 Antworten

Multiple answers are possible for this question.


I agree with the following statements:
4 TN · 17 Antworten

Multiple answers are possible for this question.



Thank your for contributing. Visit us from 2 October 2024 in the exhibition „Speaking of Sex“ in Frankfurt!